
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fish & Game: A Halloween fish tale that's literally shocking -

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Fish & Game: A Halloween fish tale that's literally shocking

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November 01, 2019 at 06:39AM

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Metro shopper says he found hook inside Kroger-brand canned fish - WSB Atlanta

GWINNETT COUNTY, Ga. - A Gwinnett County man says he got quite the shock when he opened some canned fish that he planned to feed to his dog.

When Keith Hearn opened the can, he said he found a fishhook still stuck in the meat.

Now, he says he wants to make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else.

“Just shock and awe” is how Hearn said he felt when he opened the can of Kroger-brand fish.

In addition to finding the hook, Hearn said there was also part of a fishing line.

“Upon further investigation, I got a little prick, and it was a fishhook in there,” Hearn said.

Hearn gave Channel 2’s Justin Wilfon pictures he said he took right after he opened the can. They show the fishing line somehow fused to the lid of the can and still attached to the hook.


He said he buys the cans of mackerel fish for his dog but luckily saw the hook before giving it to him.

“Can you imagine an animal with a fishhook stuck in their jaw, stuck in their mouth, and in pain?” Hearn said.

He said he bought the fish from the store on Scenic Highway in Snellville and said he called the store right after opening the can several weeks ago.

“I would like them to at least own up to it. Somebody blew the mission, and let the public know. Maybe recall some products,” Hearn said.

He said all the store has done is refunded his money.

Wilfon contacted Kroger about this story. A representative sent him a statement, saying:

"The safety and welfare of our customers is our top priority. We take incidents such as this very seriously. As this matter is under review, we cannot provide further comment."

Hearn just hopes the company makes sure its fish doesn’t come with any accessories.

“They’ve taken it so lightly, as if it was commonplace. That was disturbing to me,” Hearn said.

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November 01, 2019 at 10:11AM

Metro shopper says he found hook inside Kroger-brand canned fish - WSB Atlanta
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Coastal Project Protects Vital Habitat for Fish, Other Wildlife, and Communities - The Pew Charitable Trusts

As a kid growing up on the coast of Massachusetts, Kate Sherman was afraid of eelgrass because of all the fish, crabs, and other shellfish tucked among the willowy leaves of this important marine plant. “I’d say, ‘Dad, I can’t walk in that. Look at all the critters in there,’” says Sherman, now a marine data scientist based in Portland, Oregon. “Now I say I’ve been protecting eelgrass since age 2 or 3.”

Today, Sherman and her colleagues at the Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP) are working to protect and restore eelgrass meadows, tidal marshes, and other coastal habitats that nurture marine life. And her change of heart about eelgrass isn’t lost on her family. “My folks laugh at me now that I protect it because I was so scared of it as a kid,” Sherman says.

The Pew Charitable Trusts spoke with Sherman to learn more about PMEP’s work. (This interview has been edited for clarity and length.)

Kate Sherman

Like many of her colleagues at PMEP, Kate Sherman has a personal connection to the habitats she works to protect and restore, including Turnagain Arm, a large estuary near Anchorage, Alaska. Sherman provides data and geographic information system expertise to PMEP in addition to working for the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.
Greer Gehler

Q: What is the Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP)?

A: We are group of experts from state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, and nongovernmental organizations who focus on conserving, restoring, and protecting fish habitat on the West Coast—including estuaries, eelgrass meadows, kelp beds, and rocky reefs—to ensure fish, invertebrates, and humans can live and thrive into the future. PMEP also provides data and mapping resources to other natural resource management agencies and played an integral role in the comprehensive West Coast tidal wetlands loss study [published in the journal PLOS One] in August.

Q: Why should people care about estuaries?

A: Many West Coast communities, including San Francisco, Seattle, and Newport and Astoria, Oregon, are located right on estuaries. And you need safe places for fish when they are small, and estuaries provide these very important nurseries for juvenile fish. In addition, estuaries are the first point of coastal contact for fish such as salmon when they return from the ocean and head upriver to spawn. Estuary wetlands are also important in helping to trap sediment to keep up with sea level rise, and seagrasses (such as eelgrass) can potentially buffer local areas from ocean acidification.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

One of PMEP’s first on-the-ground projects resulted in the restoration of 500 acres of high-quality estuary habitat near Willapa Bay, Washington. Today the area is known for an abundance of birds—such as these least sandpipers—and other wildlife.
Brent Lawrence U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Q: Where was PMEP’s first restoration project?

A: Our partners removed dikes and culverts and restored 500 acres of high-quality estuary habitat in the Bear River area in south Willapa Bay in 2013. Removing the dikes and culverts allowed sea water to flow back into the estuary. Then nutrients came back into the system and the more traditional wetland vegetation returned. This created an area that protects juvenile fish like coho salmon, Dungeness crab, and other, less well-known fish such as staghorn sculpin.

Q: Why have we lost so much of the tidal wetlands on the West Coast?

A: Coastal development—particularly in Southern California, the San Francisco Bay area, Seattle, and other urban areas—as well as farming.

Coos Bay, Oregon

PMEP has mapped eelgrass meadows and fish habitat in the Coos Bay, Oregon, area and other important West Coast estuaries.
Oregon ShoreZone

Q: Why don’t more people appreciate the importance of eelgrass?

A: People have no idea why it’s important. It looks like grass. We have grass everywhere [on land], and we cut it and it grows back. People also refer to [eelgrass] as seaweed. You don’t think of a weed as being important.

Q: What’s most challenging about PMEP’s work?

A: It’s very challenging to make people aware of the importance of fish habitat. People don’t want to live without a home, yet they don’t think about how animals need a home.

Q: What’s most rewarding?

A: Working with people who care about these important places and habitats and knowing this work will help contribute to the restoration and protection of these important resources for the future.

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November 01, 2019 at 01:52AM

Coastal Project Protects Vital Habitat for Fish, Other Wildlife, and Communities - The Pew Charitable Trusts
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Commentary: Is fish-free seafood next wave of change? - The San Diego Union-Tribune

What may be true in online dating turns out not to be the case in real life: There may not, in fact, always be more fish in the sea.

A new report finds that as global fish populations crash, governments around the world are dumping ever-more lavish subsidies on the fishing industry, spelling an ocean of trouble for the three-quarters of our planet covered in water. The result: Our extermination campaign that’s emptying the seas is only accelerating.

With 90% of fish populations fully exploited and no sign of our appetite for fish decreasing, the question of what, if anything, we can realistically do to save our seas is pressing. If governments are largely making the problem worse by increasing subsidies, is there a role for the private sector to stem the tide?

That’s in fact what many deep-pocketed investors are betting on right now. Impossible and Beyond burgers may be generating all the headlines at the moment, but companies making seafood alternatives are officially big business.


Meat giant Tyson Foods just invested in New Wave Foods, a startup making plant-based shrimp for everyone from kosher Jews to those who just want to enjoy juicy shrimp without jumbo guilt. Aramark is now serving Ocean Hugger Foods’ tomato-based “tuna” in its cafeterias. And Chipotle recently bet on Sophie’s Kitchen, a small company making all manner of animal-free seafood products.

Some companies, however, aren’t content to make fish-free seafood out of plants. Rather, another category of start-ups is reeling in major funding by making real fish meat while leaving the animals to swim free.

Two thousand year ago, Jesus is said to have multiplied just a couple fish into enough to feed 5,000 human mouths. Today, companies like San Diego’s BlueNalu are doing pretty much the same thing: taking miniscule biopsies of whole fish and multiplying them to grow actual fish meat without having to kill fish. Their most recent haul: A $20 million Series A round. A similarly promising “clean fish” start-up, Wild Type, just attracted $12.5 million after offering a public tasting of its salmon that was grown from salmon cells as opposed to salmon slaughter.

If such start-ups are able to scale up and produce products that actually satisfy seafood-lovers at an affordable cost, alt-fish may not be that alt for long. In the same way that plant-based milks have taken the dairy aisle by storm, making seafood with a tiny fraction of the resources needed to catch or farm actual fish could become far more normal in the years to come.


None of this is to let governments off the hook, of course. Offering ever-growing subsidies to extractive industries preying on ever-dwindling stocks of wildlife is as poor of an idea as it sounds. If anything, governments ought to be declaring marine safe zones like Barack Obama did at the end of his presidency rather than incentivizing more fishing. But if governments really want to do something to help save our seas, in addition to ending such perverse subsidies, offering R&D assistance to startups seeking to produce truly sustainable seafood — whether from plants or cells — would be a good place to start.

After all, many governments are already funding research to invent new clean energy technologies. Why not clean meat at the same time?

The fact that there are always more fish in the dating sea is good for single people. But without new technologies to help us produce more with less, an ever-growing humanity isn’t that good for the actual fish in the sea. Perhaps alt-fish start-ups will be part of the solution that helps us lighten the burden we’re placing on the nonhuman world.

Now that would be a good catch.

Shapiro is the author of “Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World” and the CEO of The Better Meat Co.

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November 01, 2019 at 05:47AM

Commentary: Is fish-free seafood next wave of change? - The San Diego Union-Tribune
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Commission: Virginia let company defy fishing limits in bay - Star Tribune

NORFOLK, Va. — Fishing regulators accused Virginia on Thursday of allowing a company that makes fish-oil supplements to exceed catch limits on a fish that's an important link in the Chesapeake Bay's food chain.

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted to find Virginia out of compliance because the state didn't enact a new harvest cap for a fish that's called menhaden. The species serves as food in the bay for large predators that include striped bass, bottlenose dolphins and humpback whales.

The commission's vote escalates a simmering conflict in Virginia that involves only one company, Omega Protein, which defied the commission's catch limit.

Environmental groups have called into question how one corporation can have so much influence on state policy. But the company and lawmakers who support it say the catch limit is unfair and lacks scientific justification.

The Trump Administration may get involved. The commission said it will ask the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to intervene, a request that hasn't always been reciprocated by the current administration.

Menhaden are an oily, silver-colored fish that swim in schools inside and outside the nation's largest estuary. Omega Protein has been harvesting them for decades, producing products like fishmeal and omega-3 rich fish oil.

In recent years, the commission has reduced menhaden catch limits over concerns about the bay's population, noting that the Chesapeake is "a nursery ground for many species."

In 2017, harvest limits were reduced from about 87,000 metric tons to 51,000 metric tons. But Virginia's legislature didn't enact the change.

This year, the company said it hauled in 67,000 metric tons of the fish — or 31% more than the commission allows.

Omega protein said in a statement Thursday that it tried to fish outside of the bay. But it said that poor weather and higher volumes of menhaden inside the Chesapeake led to higher harvests there.

The company also pointed to the commission's most recent stock assessment, which said menhaden aren't being overfished.

Richard Stuart, a Republican state senator who supports Omega, said the company provides nearly 300 jobs and pumps millions into the economy.

"If I saw one shred of evidence that Omega was overfishing, I'd be the first one to vote to cut the catch," Stuart said. "I think the ASMFC gave into pressure from special interests."

Chris Moore, a scientist with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, said no one disputes that the menhaden population is healthy coastwide. But he said estimates for the bay are inadequate, which is why the commission took the precaution of lowering the harvest cap.

Moore added that Omega Protein lobbied lawmakers to defy the catch limit. According to the Virginia Public Access Project, Omega Protein has made nearly $600,000 in political donations in the state over the years.

"For its own profit Omega Protein has now tarnished Virginia's reputation as a responsible steward of its fisheries," Moore said.

The Secretary of Commerce has 30 days to review the commission's ruling on Virginia.

In 2017, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross overruled a recommendation by the commission involving New Jersey. The ASMFC had found New Jersey to be out of compliance on proposed limits for summer flounder.

Omega Protein, which was recently acquired by Canadian company Cooke Inc., said that it will adhere to the Commerce Secretary's final ruling, whatever it may be.

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November 01, 2019 at 05:00AM

Commission: Virginia let company defy fishing limits in bay - Star Tribune
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Fish simulations provide new insights into energy costs of swimming -

Fish simulations provide new insights into energy costs of swimming
A new computational analysis suggests that maximizing swimming speeds while minimizing energy costs depends on an optimal balance between a fish's muscle dynamics and the way its size, shape, and swimming motion affect its movement through water. Credit: zhan zhang, unsplash.

A new computational analysis suggests that maximizing swimming speeds while minimizing energy costs depends on an optimal balance between a fish's muscle dynamics and the way its size, shape, and swimming motion affect its movement through water. Grgur Tokic and Dick Yue of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology present these findings in PLOS Computational Biology.

Fish and other organisms, such as salmon and dolphins, swim in an undulating manner that enables at low . Many recent insights into energy consumption during swimming have arisen from advances in understanding of fish muscle biomechanics or modeling of swimming hydrodynamics—how a fish moves through water according to its size, shape, and swimming motion. However, few studies have combined the two.

For a more complete picture, Tokic and Yue employed a they previously developed that combines muscle biomechanics with swimming hydrodynamics. They used the model to conduct an extensive analysis of during swimming—starting from energy supplied to muscles and tracking how that energy is transformed into useful hydrodynamic propulsion.

In contrast to previous research, the new analysis shows that, in order to minimize energy consumed by a fish with a given body mass swimming a given distance, it needs not swim at , calculated as power produced by muscles versus power consumed. To achieve maximum swimming speeds, fish muscles need not operate at maximum power levels. These findings are supported by real-world observations of swimming organisms across nine orders of magnitude in size.

"Our findings are surprising, but they are borne out by first principles from the underlying physics," Yue says. "They suggest that energetics of swimming can be substantially improved by optimizing the balance between muscle performance and hydrodynamics."

While this study simulated an idealized , the researchers hope next to model the swimming energetics of realistic fish, such as tuna or salmon. Potential practical applications of this work could include development of man-made, biomimetic swimming apparatuses with unprecedented efficiency.

Explore further

The neural mechanisms that inhibit slow muscle activity during fast swimming in fish

More information: Tokic G, Yue DKP (2019) Energetics of optimal undulatory swimming organisms. PLoS Comput Biol 15(10): e1007387.

Citation: Fish simulations provide new insights into energy costs of swimming (2019, October 31) retrieved 31 October 2019 from

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November 01, 2019 at 01:00AM

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Express lane for fish: Migrating salmon get a boost past dams - Capital Press

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Express lane for fish: Migrating salmon get a boost past dams  Capital Press

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October 31, 2019 at 10:09PM

Express lane for fish: Migrating salmon get a boost past dams - Capital Press
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Teaching Somalians to fish and jump-starting the Blue Economy - Fast Company

How the hijacking of a ship led to an effort to jump-start the Blue Economy in the Horn of Africa

Fair Fishing is a nonprofit that seeks to drive economic growth and improve nutrition and food security in Somaliland, hoping it’s a model for the region.

How the hijacking of a ship led to an effort to jump-start the Blue Economy in the Horn of Africa
A boat full of fish is unloaded in Buluhaar, Somaliland. [Photo: courtesy of the author]

Mustafa Abdullahi grew up in Somaliland, the peaceful, democratic, autonomous republic that broke away from neighboring Somalia in 1991. After selling his successful taxi business in Bristol, England, last year, Abdullahi could have taken a break from work. Instead, the 39-year-old and his business partner returned to Somaliland to start a fish distribution and retail business, called Horn Foods. It’s a cornerstone of the country’s developing fishing industry, nicknamed the Blue Economy.


“I am always looking for the next challenge—that’s why I wanted to return,” Abdullahi says.

He came to the right place. The tiny coastal village of Buluhaar sits at the edge of the Indian Ocean, with bountiful stocks of tuna, kingfish, and other types of fish. Yet not a single villager even knew how to fish until last year.

Unloading fish in Buluhaar. [Photo: courtesy of the author]
“The biggest fish stocks are there, but the culture has nothing to do with the sea,” Abdullahi explains. “It’s a nomadic culture; it’s all about the camels. This is hard work, but I think it will pay off.”

Somaliland’s small but thriving fish sector is a tale of unintended consequences and serendipity.

In 2008, Danish ship owner Per Gullestrup’s crew was hijacked by Somali pirates and later released. Three years later, Gullestrup came up with an idea to help develop alternative livelihoods in the region. He launched Fair Fishing, a nonprofit organization, with the aim of creating jobs, driving economic growth, and improving nutrition and food security. It began in Somaliland as a model, with the support of a stable government.

[Photo: courtesy of the author]
Unlike Somalia, Somaliland has little history of fishing outside the small coastal city of Berbera. The bigger problem was shifting the mindset of a meat-eating society to fish. A campaign providing nutritional education, raising awareness, and changing perceptions were the first steps. Traditionally, fish was seen as an option only for those who couldn’t afford meat.

Alongside its efforts to promote the nutritional benefits of seafood, Fair Fishing also launched training programs providing technical skills (including swimming) and teaching people how to fish, repair nets and boats, clean and fillet, store and sell, and prepare and cook fish. Fishing supplies are sold at cost, and a handful of boats have been donated.

As the campaign began to gain traction, the impacts of climate change made fishing a necessity. Livestock contributes more than 30% to the national GDP. But more frequent droughts, including one in 2017 that killed more than half of the country’s goats, sheep, and camels, devastated the economy and have threatened the survival of large families of pastoral nomads.

Somaliland’s government began prioritizing the development of its fish industry as a sustainable food supply with commercial export potential.

Exploiting the “blue economy”

Vice President Abdirahman Ismail has big hopes for the state’s 500 miles of coastline.

“We have to shift our dependence from land to sea. The exploitation of the blue economy is under-developed. We’re only catching less than 10% of what is available in our fish stocks. Fishing has the power to transform this country’s economy and could contribute up to 6% of our GDP.”

Since it began eight years ago, Fair Fishing has created 3,000 jobs in Somaliland. An independent impact report produced this year found the income for those in the fishing industry grew more than 300% from 2013 to 2018. The average monthly income for a fishing crew rose from $150 in 2012 to $470 in 2018.


Government officials want to develop coastal communities in order to resettle displaced nomads and give them the training and resources to participate in the blue economy.

The impacts of Somaliland’s growing fishing industry are already being felt inland, in cities such as Burao and the capital, Hargeisa, where fish restaurants and shops have multiplied in the last few years, many of them owned by women. Some have saved enough to buy their own boats and now employ men to fish.

[Photo: courtesy of the author]
Sahra Muhammed, who owns one of the 100 fish restaurants in Hargeisa, has seen her business grow from a street food stall selling fried fish into a sit-down restaurant with 36 covers.

Muhammed has tripled her income and now employs six men and women. Nearly all were affected by the drought and support their families through their work at the restaurant.

Sahra Muhammed [Photo: courtesy of the author]
Abdi Hashi cooks and waits tables. He came to Hargeisa after his family’s animals were wiped out in the 2017 drought.

“I will never go back to the nomadic life,” Hashi says. “Everywhere you go, you will find nomadic people who have come to work in the fish industry because it’s bringing jobs and opportunities.”


Hashi and others are fish converts not only because of the financial opportunities and sustainability, but also because Somalilanders have become more aware of the nutritional benefits.

“My kids never used to eat fish. Now, they’re used to it, and they love it. It pleases me because it’s good for their nutrition, their health, their physical and mental development. We eat it for lunch and dinner.”

[Photo: courtesy of the author]
Demand increased so much that Fair Fishing donated solar-panel-powered freezers and an ice machine to the village of Buluhaar, where Muhammed Abdullahi sources fish for his business. The freezers serve a dual purpose. Individual fishermen store their inventory until they sell it, paying a small fee to the community for ice and storage. Mayor Ismail Mohamed says the income has helped pay for vital services, such as a new school.
Mayor Ismail Mohamed and a solar-panel-powered freezer. [Photo: courtesy of the author]
“There was nothing here. People didn’t have any work. There was no school, no medical access. Now, fishermen are making about $250 per month. That’s a good living in Somaliland.”

Abdullahi has set up a training program in Buluhaar to feed his supply chain. He teaches technical skills (including safety at sea) to cultivate his own workforce of fishermen and those skilled in logistics and processing to pack climate-controlled trucks for the three-hour journey to Hargeisa. In just six months, Abdullahi and his partner have grown Horn Foods to 11 shops, with a wholesale business supplying hotels. Eventually, they’d like to develop an export market in neighboring, landlocked Ethiopia. For now, Abdullahi is pleased with the rapidly expanding market at home.

“First, people began eating fish once a week. Now, we’re eating fish four times a week. Slowly, we’re changing from a red-meat culture to a fish culture. We are transforming the economy.”


Amy Guttman is a London-based journalist working in TV, radio and digital/print. She covers current affairs, entrepreneurs, and ecosystems around the world. 


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October 31, 2019 at 07:00PM

Teaching Somalians to fish and jump-starting the Blue Economy - Fast Company
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West Virginia Man Catches State-Record Chain Pickerel Fish - CBS Pittsburgh

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – West Virginia regulators say a state-record chain pickerel has been caught in Preston County.

The Division of Natural Resources said in a news release that Matt Born of Reedsville used an in-line spinner to catch the fish Oct. 13 at Upper Deckers Lake.

The fish measured a record 27.87 inches (70.8 centimeters). The previous record was a 27.75-inch (70.5-centimeter) chain pickerel caught by Steven Demma at Tuckahoe Lake in 2001.

The chain pickerel is a member of the pike family.

(Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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October 31, 2019 at 10:34PM

West Virginia Man Catches State-Record Chain Pickerel Fish - CBS Pittsburgh
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FENIP backs increased fish production in Morocco - SeafoodSource

「首里城祭」の準備、未明まで正殿前で設営作業 - 読売新聞

「首里城祭」の準備、未明まで正殿前で設営作業 - 読売新聞




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2019-10-31 13:00:59Z

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Três dos caminhantes atingidos por derrocada na Madeira continuam internados no hospital - DNoticias

Três dos caminhantes atingidos por derrocada na Madeira continuam internados no hospital - DNoticias

Três dos caminhantes que foram atingidos por uma derrocada na tarde de quarta-feira, na levada entre as Queimadas e o Caldeirão Verde, no norte da ilha da Madeira, continuam internados no Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça.

Um homem português de 30 anos, uma francesa de 63 anos e um francês com cerca de 30 anos, são os sinistrados que continuam no internamento hospitalar. O balanço foi feito esta manhã pela directora clínica do Serviço de Saúde da Madeira (SESARAM), Regina Rodrigues. Os restantes oito caminhantes já tiveram alta.

Recorde-se que na sequência do acidente que ocorreu ontem, no Caldeirão Verde, concelho de Santana, das 11 vítimas socorridas no local, três foram encaminhadas directamente para o Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça. As restantes (oito) foram observadas inicialmente no Centro de Saúde de Santana, vindo a ser transferidas posteriormente para o Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça para receber uma resposta mais diferenciada.

Das onze vítimas que deram entrada no Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, seis são do sexo masculino e cinco do sexo feminino, de nacionalidade francesa (5), alemã (2), portuguesa (3) e brasileira (1).

Três vítimas são politraumatizados graves. Destas, duas estão a ser acompanhadas na neurocirurgia/cuidados intensivos e uma foi alvo de cirurgia ortopédica encontrando-se no bloco operatório.

Oito vítimas são feridos ligeiros, destas três já tiveram alta hospitalar e cinco estão em observação no Serviço de Urgência.

No Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça para além de uma resposta diferenciada está a ser assegurado apoio psicológico e acompanhamento por parte dos tradutores e ainda apoio aos acompanhantes/familiares das vítimas.

Neste momento, a linha disponível para prestar apoio às vítimas, familiares, embaixadas e consulados é a seguinte: 351 961186549

O Governo Regional através da Secretaria da Saúde e da Protecção Civil, do Turismo e do Ambiente, tem acompanhado toda a situação, tendo já sido encetados contactos com os embaixadores, nomeadamente de França.

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2019-10-31 10:41:00Z

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加害教諭「有休扱い」に苦情殺到、給与支給の停止決定 - 読売新聞

加害教諭「有休扱い」に苦情殺到、給与支給の停止決定 - 読売新聞





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2019-10-31 11:41:00Z

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סערת רצח רבין: בסביבת המרצה מבר אילן מכחישים את השעייתו - וואלה!

סערת רצח רבין: בסביבת המרצה מבר אילן מכחישים את השעייתו - וואלה!

סערת הנאום על רצח רבין: בסביבת המרצה מבר אילן מכחישים את השעייתו
עריכה: עמית שמחה

על רקע הסערה סביב דבריו של ד"ר מוטי קידר על רצח ראש הממשלה לשעבר יצחק רבין, בסביבתו אמרו היום (חמישי) כי בניגוד לפרסומים בתקשורת, לא הגיע לידו מכתב מצד הנהלת אוניברסיטת בר אילן שמזמין אותו לוועדת משמעת ומשעה אותו מפעילותו.

עוד אמרו בסביבתו כי "ד"ר קידר, שהגיע לגיל פנסיה, לא ייכנס לשום תהליך שבודק את מחשבותיו, הוא מאמין בחירות ליבו וחירות המחשבה. במידה שיתקבל מכתב שכזה הוא יודיע על התפטרותו קודם לכן. בתוך כך, לא יתבצע הליך כזה של ועדת משמעת שכן הוא יודיע קודם לכן על התפטרותו".

קידר טען בהפגנת תמיכה בראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו כי יגאל עמיר לא רצח את רבין. "מי שרצח את רבין היה אדם שראשי התיבות של שמו זה י"ר", טען קידר לכל תשואות מהקהל. "מי שעמד מאחורי העניין הזה, כנראה פוליטיקאי מוביל, שרצה לחסל את יצחק רבין מכיוון שהוא רצה לצאת מהסכמי אוסלו. אני קורא מכאן להסיר את הכותרת השקרית 'סודי ביותר' מעל המסמכים שלא משתלבים עם התיאוריה שהימין רצח את רבין".

קידר הוסיף כי "הגיע הזמן, 24 שנים שהימין מוכפש, שהאוניברסיטה שלי - בר אילן - מוכפשת, שכולנו מכפישים, בגלל מה שלא יגאל עמיר עשה. הוא יושב בכלא בבידוד. למה בבידוד? כדי שלא יגיד את האמת לאף אחד. גבירותיי ורבותיי, מכאן לחקירה האמיתית על רצח רבין". בתגובה לדברים, מסר נתניהו כי הוא "מגנה את דברי ההבל ביחס ליגאל עמיר, רוצחו של יצחק רבין".

עצומה באוניברסיטה למען ד"ר קידר

אוניברסיטת בר אילן גינתה בחריפות את דבריו של קידר. "הנהלת אוניברסיטת בר אילן מגנה בכל תוקף את הדברים של ד"ר קידר", היא מסרה אתמול. "הדברים נאמרו על דעתו בלבד ואינם מייצגים את האוניברסיטה ואנשיה. אנו סבורים שאין מקום להתבטאויות מסוג זה בחברה הישראלית".

בתוך כך, תא הארגון "אם תרצו" באוניברסיטה יזם עצומה למענו של קידר בעקבות ההודעה על השעייתו, שכותרתה "אזרחי ישראל תומכים בד"ר מרדכי קידר, לוחם ההסברה של מדינת ישראל". בעצומה נכתב כי ד"ר קידר משקיע מזמנו וממרצו כדי להגן על מדינת ישראל ולהדוף הסתה ותעמולה נגדה. לטענת הארגון, "בזמן שבאקדמיה הישראלית שורצים פרופסורים ודוקטורים מטעם-עצמם שאת משכורתם משלמים אזרחי מדינת ישראל, העסוקים ומכלים את זמנם בהשמצת מדינת ישראל, תמיכה ב- BDS מבפנים, ומתן רוח-גבית לשונאי המדינה ולקידום אנטי ופוסט ציונות, בחרה אוניברסיטת בר-אילן להעמיד דווקא את ד"ר קידר לדין משמעתי".

יו"ר "אם תרצו" מתן פלג אמר כי "אין הרבה אנשים בארץ העושים למען מעמדה של מדינת ישראל כמו ד"ר מרדכי קידר. חובה על כל אדם להתייצב נגד הצביעות הנוראית המאפשרת למרצים להתפרנס ממש מהפצת עלילות דם נגד ישראל בעולם בשם חופש הביטוי. אדם אשר חס ושלום הביע את דעתו באשר היא על נושא אחר, הרי שהדבר פסול ומתירים את דמו. זו בושה וחרפה וחולשה ערכית. מי שמנהל את אוניברסיטת בר אילן צריך להתבייש".

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2019-10-31 10:39:00Z

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玉城デニー知事「首里城は必ず復元する」 寄付金の受け入れ準備、政府にも協力要請へ - 沖縄タイムス

玉城デニー知事「首里城は必ず復元する」 寄付金の受け入れ準備、政府にも協力要請へ - 沖縄タイムス







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2019-10-31 08:40:00Z

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Prossegue debate do Programa de Governo na Assembleia da República - RTP

Prossegue debate do Programa de Governo na Assembleia da República - RTP

A liíder do Bloco de Esquerda, Catarina Martins, quer conhecer as metas de Costa para os vários anos da legislatura para decidir em que dará apoio ao Governo.

Catarina Martins discursou, pelo BE, no encerramento do debate sobre o Programa do XXII Governo Constitucional, lembrando que a "clareza e cooperação maioritárias foram a grande força da última legislatura", mas que apesar de nesta legislatura a situação ser outra, os bloquistas estão disponíveis para a negociação.

"Este é o mandato do Bloco de Esquerda de sempre, fiel a um programa claro, sem fuga aos compromissos que contam nem cheques em branco", afirmou, desde de elencar as principais bandeiras com as quais o partido se apresentou a eleições, desde o investimento público, às questões laborais e à emergência climática.

A coordenadora da BE, que diz que “é tempo de ser exigente” e que isso “não será obra de um ano, nem de dois, nem resultado de equilibrismos parlamentares sem fôlego para grandes mudanças: esse caminho não se fará sem incomodar quem hoje vive do privilégio”.

“Os últimos quatros anos, mostraram como é mesmo a força à esquerda que responde pela estabilidade na melhoria da vida das pessoas, defesa dos salários e das pensões”.

"Com mais 10 mil milhões de euros no investimento não chegaremos a metade da média histórica", avisa Catarina Martins.

"Não basta ficar a recolher frutos", realça.

“Não há transportes sem investimento, qualificação sem investimento na cultura e na ciência, o acesso à cultura e à habitação estão abalados pela falta de investimento”.

Catarina Martins estranha que “o Governo venha ao Parlamento invocar grande debate para os salários mas que será feito só na concertação social. Nem a concertação é uma câmara alta do Parlamento, nem o Parlamento se pode desresponsabilizar das condições de trabalho e dos salários”.

A líder bloquista avisou que "um país mais justo não será obra de um ano, nem de dois, nem resultado de equilibrismos parlamentares sem fôlego para grandes mudanças".

O secretário-geral comunista reiterou que o PCP terá uma "firme oposição" às "medidas contrárias" aos interesses de trabalhadores e povo, sublinhando que "todo o caminho de avanço" terá sempre "a intervenção decisiva" do partido.

"É a partir do seu programa e projeto que o PCP desenvolverá a sua ação, iniciativa e proposta. Todo o caminho de avanço e de adoção de medidas que correspondam a direitos e aspirações dos trabalhadores e do povo contará sempre com a intervenção decisiva do PCP. Assim como todas as medidas contrárias aos seus interesses terão a nossa firme oposição", garantiu.

O líder do PCP voltou a condenar o documento apresentado pelo executivo minoritário socialista porque nele "não se vê a cabal resposta aos problemas de fundo do país" e está "marcado estruturalmente pelas opções de política macroeconómica que estiveram presentes na ação do anterior Governo do PS".

"Um programa onde não se veem medidas ajustadas ao combate às desigualdades, mas sim a manutenção de um quadro degradado de direitos laborais e de insuficiente valorização de salários e reformas. Não se vê a resposta que se impunha no plano do investimento (...), não se vê uma medida que recupere para o domínio público empresas privatizadas", lamentou.

O secretário-geral comunista resumiu assim o programa de Governo: "suficientemente vago e de formulação redonda e abrangente para não se comprometer em concreto em muitas das suas áreas".

"Um programa com formulações que indiciam soluções de sentido negativo ou até retrocessos nos domínios da administração pública, dos transportes, do ambiente, das creches, dos deficientes, do poder local, das Forças Armadas, entre outras", enumerou.

O CDS-PP acusou o “maior Governo de sempre”, liderado pelo PS, de ser “mais do mesmo” e considerou que a “geringonça” com os partidos de esquerda vai ser ressuscitada no Orçamento do Estado.No encerramento do debate do Programa do Governo, a líder parlamentar do CDS, Cecília Meireles, afirmou que “quantidade e qualidade são coisas muito diferentes”, referindo-se ao novo executivo.

“A quantidade de membros bateu todos os recordes, já a qualidade das políticas será mais do mesmo”, disse Cecília Meireles, que acusou os socialistas de, neste debate do Programa do Governo, ter feito propaganda e de, quanto às políticas, “ser mais do mesmo”.

A poucas semanas da apresentação da proposta de Orçamento do Estado, a deputada do CDS falou ainda dos “arrufos e reconciliações” da "praxe nos últimos quatro anos" entre os antigos parceiros da esquerda (PS, PCP, BE e PEV) que assinaram acordos parlamentares na anterior legislatura e não repetiram depois das legislativas de outubro.

Para Cecília Meireles, “a geringonça permanece” e o acordo que “nas semanas passadas não quiseram assinar será assinado muito em breve” com o Orçamento do Estado.

“É através dele que o Governo e os seus partidos aliados se responsabilizarão pelas políticas, pelo Governo e por mais do mesmo”, tentando “fingir que não o fazem”, afirmou.

No seu discurso, Cecília Meireles fez duras críticas ao primeiro-ministro pela falta de respostas às perguntas dos deputados centristas, sobre a eutanásia, as forças de segurança ou as investigações no Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras.

A deputada do PAN destaca “a importância de o Governo ter convergido com o PAN em algumas matérias, apesar de haver ainda um importante caminho a fazer."Inês Sousa Real traçou um autêntico caderno de encargos daquilo que o PAN defende e por que se vai bater na próxima legislatura.
Além da “mudança de paradigma” rumo à “descarbonização” e “transição energética”, que não está “plasmada no programa de Governo”, mas que o PAN quer ver refletido nos próximos Orçamentos do Estado, em cujo debate vai participar “de forma construtiva”.

A líder parlamentar do PAN elogia os avanços do Governo na antecipação do fecho das centrais do Pego e de Sines, mas pede mais noutras áreas do ambiente. "Não há Planeta B, mas também não há Portugal B".

A deputada elogia também o facto de o Governo ter elevado a idade mínima para assistir a touradas, uma das alterações feitas ao Programa de Governo e que serviu para aproximação do Executivo ao PAN.

O líder parlamentar de "Os Verdes", José Luís Ferreira, exigiu "contas certas" ao Governo minoritário socialista para os reformados, Serviço Nacional de Saúde, educação, transportes, áreas protegidas e serviços públicos.

"O que esperamos é que este programa permita ao Governo apresentar as propostas adequadas, seja no plano legislativo normal, seja através dos orçamentos do Estado para termos as contas certas. Contas certas com os reformados e pensionistas, contas certas com o SNS, contas certas com a educação, contas certas com os transportes públicos, contas certas com as áreas protegidas, contas certas com o conjunto dos serviços públicos", disse.

José Luís Ferreira começou por referir a legislatura anterior: "quatro anos depois de os partidos à esquerda terem construído fórmulas democráticas para interromper as políticas de massacre social que a direita se preparava para continuar a impor ao destino coletivo".

"Quatro anos depois de a direita ter convocado o diabo para a discussão e ter anunciado ao mundo que vinha aí o fim do mundo. Aqui estamos, sem o mundo acabar, sem sombras de diabo, e com esta legislatura a começar exatamente como previsto do ponto de vista legal e do ponto de vista constitucional, ou seja, quatro anos depois", regozijou-se.

O deputado de "Os Verdes", entre outras matérias, abordou o anúncio do primeiro-ministro, na tomada de posse de sábado, de encerramento antecipado das centrais termoelétricas a carvão do Pego e de Sines.

"Não há, do ponto de vista contratual, qualquer obrigação do Estado ao nível de compensações [aos operadores] pelo seu encerramento. A central do Pego termina o seu contrato de aquisição de energia exatamente no ano em que o Governo pretende encerrá-la. A central de Sines já há muito viu terminado o seu período de operação nos termos dos tais contratos de aquisição de energia e dos tais custos de manutenção de equilíbrio contratual (CMEC), através dos quais obteve gordos proveitos financeiros e generosos financiamentos para reduzir o impacto ambiental", afirmou.

Segundo José Luís Ferreira, "é isto" que o PEV espera do Ministério do Ambiente, "responsabilidade e presença do interesse público nas decisões".

"Enquanto houver estrada para andar, cá estaremos, por perto, sempre que a estrada seja o caminho certo", concluiu.

André Ventura, o único deputado do Chega, afirma que este é um “Governo dos subsídio-dependentes, porque vai criar uma classe ainda maior dos que vivem à custa do Estado”.

“É um Governo que vai aumentar a penalização dos portugueses em sede de IRS e sobretudo vai penalizar os que mais trabalham para continuar a sustentar este enorme Governo”, acrescentou.

O deputado do Chega aproveitou a intervenção para questionar António Costa sobre a sua posição na legalização da eutanásia — uma proposta que o BE já anunciou –, acusando o socialista de ontem “ter tentado esconder o que pensa”.

O deputado da Iniciativa Liberal acusa o Governo de não querer fazer de Portugal um país mais próspero e que não se preocupa com a proteção do direito dos contribuintes.

“O PS só sabe governar engordando ano após ano a despesa do Estado”, afirmou Carlos Cotrim Figueiredo.

Para o deputado da Iniciativa Liberal o Programa de Governo ignora o afastamento dos cidadãos da vida política, abandonando a necessária reforma da Segurança Social. É sobretudo um programa que mostra que o PS não acredita nem nos portugueses nem no que eles são capazes. O PS acredita num Estado controlador, a Iniciativa Liberal acredita em pessoas livres”, frisou.

Na perspetiva de Cotrim Figueiredo, é "essa a grande diferença entre estas duas visões", ou seja, "o PS acredita no estado controlador, a Iniciativa Liberal acredita em pessoas livres".

A única deputada do partido Livre questionou o Governo sobre a oportunidade da construção da nova estrutura aeroportuária complementar ao Aeroporto Humberto Delgado, em Lisboa, previsto para a atual base aérea do Montijo.

"A APA [Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente] informou ontem que a avaliação de impacto ambiental não encontra nenhum elemento que impeça o avanço do aeroporto do Montijo. Urge então compreendermos como é que se pode avançar com este aeroporto numa época de emergência climática e em que medida é que isto é coerente com o objetivo de um pacto verde para a Europa", afirmou Joacine Katar Moreira.

O debate começou na quarta-feira com a intervenção do primeiro-ministro. Seguiram-se os pedidos de esclarecimento dos partidos da oposição.

O primeiro dia ficou marcado pela acesa troca de palavras entre Rui Rio e António Costa.

O líder do PSD acusou o primeiro-ministro de ter o maior e mais caro Governo da História de Portugal. Já António Costa comparou Rui Rio a um comentador televisivo e aconselhou-o a preocupar-se com o próprio partido.

Os três novos partidos com assento parlamentar – Livre, Chega e Iniciativa Liberal – falaram ontem pela primeira vez na Assembleia da República sobre corrupção, minorias étnicas e pobreza.
A Iniciativa Liberal acusou o Governo de manter um país de pobres e desesperados dependentes do Estado para garantir o voto, dizendo que é a pobreza de muitos que segura o PS.

Já o Livre defende que a igualdade deve ser o objetivo “número 1” de um Governo do século XXI e afirma estar disponível para apoiar e incentivar todas as iniciativas nesse sentido.

O Chega classificou o Governo de António Costa como “uma das maiores vergonhas” da história e acusou a esquerda de querer fazer de Portugal uma “espécie de Venezuela”.

(em atualização)

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2019-10-31 08:55:00Z

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הוא היה המדובב המשטרתי הטוב בישראל. ואז המדינה "שרפה" אותו - וואלה!

הוא היה המדובב המשטרתי הטוב בישראל. ואז המדינה "שרפה" אותו - וואלה!

פ' היה במשך שנים אחד המדובבים הטובים שפעלו בשירות משטרת ישראל, והצליח לספק ראיות בתיקים רבים, מתוכם עשרות תיקי רצח. אלא שזהותו של פ' נחשפה בשל מחדלי שב"ס, וברובן המוחלט של 14 השנים האחרונות הוא נאלץ להיות כלוא בהפרדה מוחלטת מחשש לחייו. בתנאים אלו הוא אינו יכול לקבל את הטיפול לו זוכים עברייני מין אחרים בכלא - ולכן נדחות בקשותיו לקיצור שליש ממאסרו. כעת הוא ממתין לתשובה לבקשת חנינה שהגיש.

כמעט את כל שלושה העשורים האחרונים העביר פ' מאחורי סורג ובריח בשל עבירות מין חמורות ביותר. כעת הוא מרצה עונש של יותר מ-20 שנות מאסר, שצפוי להסתיים בעוד כארבע שנים. ב-2002 התחיל לעבוד כמדובב משטרתי, ועד מהרה צבר מוניטין מרשים. לטענתו, סייע לפענח יותר מ-200 פרשיות פליליות, בהן 88 מקרי רצח. הוא פעל במשך שנים להפללת עבריינים בכמה מארגוני הפשיעה המסוכנים ביותר בישראל.

על חשיבותו של פ' בעיני המשטרה, וגם על תדירות הפעלתו כמדובב, ניתן ללמוד ממזכר ששלח ב-2006 בכיר במחוז חוף של המשטרה למפקד כלא שיטה, בו הוחזק אז פ'. במזכר מבקש ראש מחלק התשאול במחוז כי יותר לפ' להחזיק בתאו זוג מכנסיים וחולצה שישמשו אותו בעבודתו כמדובב, "ובמיוחד באותם מקרים בהם אנו מגיעים בשעות לא רגילות". עוד נכתב במזכר כי פ' "משתף פעולה עם המשטרה בתיקים קשים ובדרך כלל בלתי מפוענחים ללא עזרתו. פעמים רבות מטבע הדברים, אנו מגיעים לקחתו ללא תכנון מוקדם ובשעות בלתי צפויות".

במסמכים שהגיש פ' לבית המשפט מוזכרים כמה מהמקרים שפענח: במקרה אחד, למשל, הצליח להוציא הודאה ברצח מחשוד שלתאו הוכנס, וכאשר סיים אמר למפעיליו שהוא חושד כי אותו אדם ביצע רצח נוסף, וביקש לחזור לתא. המפעילים הסכימו, ועד מהרה התברר כי פ' צדק: החשוד הודה ברצח נוסף, והביא למציאת מעבדה ביתית לייצור משתיקי קול ואלפי שקלים שנשדדו מאחד הנרצחים. אותו חשוד נידון לשני מאסרי עולם.

במקרה אחר הצליח פ' דווקא לנקות את שמו של חשוד ברצח, אך "על הדרך" הביא לתפיסת המבצעים האמיתיים. הוא הוכנס לתאו של אדם שהיה חשוד כי רצח ידידה שלו. לאחר שעה ביקש לצאת מהתא, ואמר למפעילים כי הוא חש שמדובר באדם חף מפשע. החוקרים התעקשו ואמרו שיש בידיהם ראיות חזקות, ופ' הסכים לחזור לתא לדיבוב נוסף. הפעם הצליח לשכנע את העצור לומר לו כי הוא חושד בקרובי משפחה של הגרוש של הנרצחת, והוא אף מסר לו את שמותיהם ומספרי הטלפון שלהם. המשטרה חקרה ומצאה כי אותם טלפונים אכן אוכנו באזור הרצח בזמן האירוע. בחקירתם הם הודו, שחזרו את הרצח, ומסרו למשטרה את הסכין שבאמצעותו בוצע.

בתי המשפט ציינו לפעמים לטובה את פעילותו של פ'. בתיק רצח שפוענח בזכות הודאה שחילץ מהחשוד, כתב אחד השופטים: "אוסיף ואציין כי המדובב פ', אשר התגלה כאדם שנון וממולח, היודע אף פרק בהלכות הליכי משפט, נחקר בבית המשפט, כאשר חקירתו נמשכה על פני שתי ישיבות. בחקירתו הוא נשמע אמין, כאשר לא נתגלו כל סתירות בין אשר נאמר בחקירה לבין הדברים שנשמעו בהקלטות - וכי ניכר היה בו כי הינו מודע לחובתו שלא לחצות קווים אדומים, והקפיד על מילויה של חובה זו".

כשהגיע לבית המשפט, העיד פ' מאחורי פרגוד ובפנים מכוסות נגד העבריינים אותם דובב. אלא שדווקא בכלא הוא נחשף שוב ושוב בשל התנהלות לא זהירה של שב"ס. ב-2005 הועבר פ' מכלא שיטה שבצפון לאגף פתוח בבית המעצר ניצן. הוא התריע שבניצן ישבו עבריינים רבים שאותם דובב, ולכן זהותו עלולה להיחשף - אך ללא הועיל. זמן קצר לאחר העברתו, לא פחות מארבעה אסירים שהפליל בעבר זיהו אותו בשמו האמיתי.

23 שעות ביממה בבידוד, לאורך 15 שנה

במקרה אחר הוכנס פ' לאותו תא בכלא קישון יחד עם חשוד ברצח שאותו דובב. תוך זמן קצר שמע אותו חשוד - שאף הורשע מאוחר יותר ברצח - כי אסירים אחרים באגף מכנים את פ' בשמו האמיתי, ולא בשם בו הזדהה בפניו בעת הדיבוב. הוא הבין כי מדובר במדובב והתעמת איתו. במקרה אחר, כאשר המתין להסעה ב"פוסטה", נכנס לחדר ההמתנה אסיר שהפליל בסחר בנשק. אותו אסיר חשף בפני כל הנוכחים כי פ' הוא מדובב - והם החלו לקלל אותו ולאיים עליו. אלו לא המקרים היחידים.

לאחר חשיפת זהותו, הועבר פ' באוגוסט 2005 לאגף ההפרדה, משום שגורמי המודיעים בשב"ס העריכו שיש סכנה מוחשית לחייו. מאז, לאורך כמעט 15 שנה, שהה לבדו בתא, 23 שעות ביממה. הסכנה לחייו כה גדולה שנקבע כי לא ניתן אפילו להכניסו ל"הפרדה זוגית", עם שותף לתא שייבחר בקפידה, מחשש שאותו שותף יגויס על ידי ארגוני פשיעה כדי לפגוע בו. ב-2012 כתב אחד מאנשי המודיעין בשב"ס חוות דעת לפיה פ' "מוגדר טעון הגנה ברמה א' לאור כוונות להרעילו, על מנת למנוע ממנו להעיד כנגד עבריינים בתיק רצח, ולאור היותו עד תביעה כנגד עבריינים רבים".

מדי חצי שנה מאשר בית המשפט את המשך החזקתו של פ' בהפרדה. אף שהשופטים הכירו בכך שמדובר בתוצאה של מחדלי שב"ס, הסכנה לחייו של פ' לא מתירה כל ברירה אחרת. גם הוא עצמו מודע לכך. כפי שהעיד בפני בית המשפט, הוא נמנע אפילו מיציאה לטיולים בחצר אגף ההפרדה, מחשש שיזוהה שם.

ב-2013 תבע פ' את המדינה. הוא טען כי בחוזה ההפעלה עליו חתם, התחייבה המשטרה לעשות כל שביכולתה על מנת למנוע את חשיפת זהותו, ואף כי הובטח לו שיפעלו כדי שיזכה לשחרור מוקדם לאחר שני שלישים ממאסרו. עוד טען כי האחריות המוחלטת עליו, כאסיר, היא של שב"ס, שהתרשל פעם אחר פעם בשמירה על ביטחונו. לבסוף טען כי במסגרת הסכומים שהובטחו לו תמורת כל פיצוח של תיק רצח - נותר למדינה חוב כלפיו של 90 אלף שקלים. המדינה הגיעה להסדר פשרה לפיו שילמה לפ' כמעט 900 אלף שקלים, מבלי שהודתה בטענות כלפיה.

הפיצוי לא סייע להוציא את פ' מהמלכוד אליו נקלע: בשל העובדה שהוא חייב להיות מבודד מאסירים אחרים, כדי לשמור על חייו, לא ניתן לשלבו בטיפול קבוצתי לעברייני מין. מבלי שעבר טיפול, גורמי המקצוע מעריכים כי הוא עדיין מסוכן לציבור - ולכן ועדת השחרורים דחתה פעמיים בקשות לקיצור עונשו.

בעבר קבע גורם טיפולי כי פ' הוא "אדם אלים, בעל סף תסכול נמוך", והוסיף כי לא ניתן היה לבצע אפילו הערכת מסוכנות, שכן הוא "התנהג בתוקפנות כלפי הבודק". אלא שבשנה שעברה, לאחר שנדחתה בקשתו הראשונה לשחרור מוקדם, הוא עבר סדרת מפגשים עם פסיכולוגית של שב"ס, שנועדו להכינו לטיפול שיקומי. אותה פסיכולוגית קבעה כי שיתף פעולה וגילה מוטיבציה להשתתף בטיפול - אך בשורה התחתונה, את הטיפול עצמו לא יוכל לעבור בשל כליאתו בהפרדה.

פ' אף הגיש לוועדת השחרורים תוכנית טיפול ושיקום שהוכנה עבורו באופן פרטי, שהוא יוכל להשתתף בה תחת פיקוח אם ישוחרר. הוא טען כי ממילא הוא אמור להשתחרר בעוד כשלוש שנים וחצי, עם תום תקופת מאסרו, בין אם יעבור טיפול ובין אם לאו, וכי אם יזכה לשחרור מוקדם ניתן יהיה להטיל עליו תנאי פיקוח הדוקים יותר. ועדת השחרורים דחתה זאת, וסברה שבסופו של יום, כל עוד הוא מוגדר מסוכן ולא עבר שיקום, לא ניתן לשחררו. לפני כשנה הגיש פ' בקשת חנינה לנשיא המדינה, ראובן ריבלין. כעת הוא ממתין לתשובה.

משב"ס נמסר בתגובה כי "סוגיית הסכם הפשרה נדונה בערכאות המשפטיות וחשוב להדגיש כי שב"ס לא נדרש לתשלום פיצוי כל שהוא. על כן, בכל הנוגע להסכם הפשרה אליו הגיעו יש לפנות למעורבים בו", נמסר בתגובה משירות בתי הסוהר. "ככלל, סוגיית הטיפול שניתן לאסירים פליליים, בוחנת מספר מרכיבים בינהם את סוג העבירה, רמת מסוכנותו של האסיר, מצבו הנפשי, מוכנותו לשתף פעולה עם ההליך הטיפולי, המלצות ביטחון לגבי האסיר ועוד קריטריונים נוספים. שב"ס הינו גורם ממליץ בפני ועדת השחרורים ואין בידיו את מכלול השיקולים הנבחנים בועדות השחרורים טרם קבלת החלטה על קיצורי עונשי מאסר".

ממשטרת ישראל נמסר בתגובה כי "הפעלתו של פ' בוצעה כנדרש וללא דופי. באשר לטענותיו בנוגע לחשיפתו ולתנאי כליאתו יש לפנות לשב"ס".

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